
The Staff room – The Most Neglected Space In The School?
Opinions on staff room design vary widely from school to school. In some schools, these spaces are used successfully by teachers for collaboration and knowledge sharing. In other schools, the staff room is avoided at all costs, or has even been removed altogether and replaced with mixed student and staff breakout spaces.

We believe that the staff room is often the most neglected room in the school. Many schools are so focussed on attracting the top students and keeping their grounds looking immaculate, but when it comes to the staff room – the engine room of the entire school – it is a different story.

Take a look around at your own space. Does your staff room design itself leave anything to be desired? Are there tea stains on the carpet, seating that has seen better days or overstuffed pigeon-holes? Are there out-dated staff notices or overflowing bins? Your staff room should be, in a certain sense, a haven for your staff. 

A place where they can meet to recharge, socialize with colleagues and obtain advice and support. Whilst a staff room etiquette may be necessary, we  believe that creating an inspirational staff base could make a world of difference to your school.


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